Life sciences

Medical equipment manufacturers. Big pharma. CROs. Uncompromising regulations, zero room for error. espell meticulously selects skilled translators with medical or life science degrees for up to 100 languages.
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End-to-end solutions
Custom MT implementation
Cloud MT is great for quick deployment. Yet at some point, you’ll need customization. The choice of providers and techniques is confusingly wide. Enter the MT maze.
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In a time of constant HR challenges (not to mention home office), many companies recognize the significance of online, interactive support for internal training.
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Machine translation
MT overview
Most translation buyers find a place for MT in their processes. But the trick is finding the BEST place for MT, not just any place. Since espell is tool-agnostic, we can offer independent advice.
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Machine translation
MT use cases
MT is a long, exciting journey from first trying out Google Translate to training your own custom models and adding AI-enhanced features.
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Localization consultancy
Process audit
Localization maturity assessment helps organizations move from manual to automated and agile processes. Scale up. Centralize or outsource. Make technology choices.
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Quality frameworks
Is there a common denominator for content quality? Frameworks for evaluating both human and machine translation are available to support benchmarking.
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Technical documentation
This area has been a primary target for cost-cutting in consumer markets. Yet industry and engineering still need solid, professional, high-volume documentation.
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Terminology management
Branded terms for marketing. Acronyms for pharma. Terminology injected into machine translation. UI options. All validated for maximum clarity and consistency.
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Localization consultancy
Tool selection criteria
Productivity. Cost of ownership. Integration. Must-have and nice-to-have features. When choosing a localization solution, ask professionals with hands-on experience.
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Our pricing is always custom-tailored to your needs.

We apply industry best practices to provide transparent and adaptable metrics and pricing.
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"One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies selected espell as a key translation partner for more than 50 language combinations. The volumes sent our way scaled up very rapidly, so our team had to deal with a massive, 150% increase in translation volumes within a rather short time. To address this challenge, we built a dedicated PM-team to support the client with day-to-day communication, we developed the appropriate quality assurance procedures and synchronized the work of multiple language teams. Dozens of professionals work together in scores of projects every week running in parallel to ensure the highest service level and linguistic quality."

Helga Endrődi
lead project manager

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