Terms of business

Companies want to work with suppliers in a regulated framework, following clear and documented procedures. Prior understanding of each other’s expectations is the basis of any good relationship. So first of all, we ensure that your requirements (in terms of prices, deadlines, and the scope of services) are set out transparently in a written quote. Once accepted, this becomes the baseline against which performance will be measured.

As more and more jobs are ordered, our account managers and PMs will gather feedback from you and adjust processes to meet your organization’s needs (invoicing, reporting etc.).

You will find our General Terms and Conditions here. If we enter into a long term, regular collaboration, espell may also provide you with guaranteed conditions via a separate frame agreement, a service level agreement, an NDA, and a GDPR-compliant data processing agreement. espell is also ISO 17100:2015 certified.

Transparency throughout, from a trusted provider.


To ensure adequate protection for your intellectual property and all confidential information throughout the translation process, espell is prepared to sign a non-disclosure agreement that will extend to its participating subcontractors as well. This NDA stipulates that espell will enforce non-disclosure obligations for its subcontractors that are at least as stringent as those agreed upon with you.

We can also provide you a standard, brief version of the NDA.

espell translations are never submitted to 3rd-party providers for processing or storage unless specifically requested by our customers. We use our own dedicated servers. Feel free to discuss your further confidentiality and other compliance requirements with us.


espell regulates the processing of personal data throughout its business processes by fully GDPR-compliant agreements, procedures, and related notices. These cover espell’s customers, suppliers, and any other intermediaries and parties contacting espell for business purposes.

For further information please contact us at dataprotection@espell.com.


Our pricing is always custom-tailored to your needs.

We apply industry best practices to provide transparent and adaptable metrics and pricing.
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"A leading social media provider tasked us with translating their English content into Hungarian. They needed a team that could handle promotional, legal and technical texts in their own CMS, with quick turn-around times and strict quality requirements. espell surpassed expectations by assembling a team of dedicated experts, teaching them the ins and outs of the client’s system and ensuring that quality and timely delivery is top priority."

András Bujdosó
lead translator

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